The City of the FUTURE
How can i know which are the most polluted areas in the city and why?
How can i know the maintenance status of municipal streets?
How can i know which waste bins have been empty?
How can i know how much energy street lighting uses?
How can i know how much energy municipal offices use?
How can i know which municipal underpasses are flooded?
- Who we are
Asymmetrica is an innovative start-up

- UrbanCityConn
The route to the smart city start with asymmetrica
Asymmetrica® created UrbanCityConn®, a solutions cockpit to smart cities CityCONN improves the quality of life in cities and contributes to their economic development by integrating pieces of information from different sources and devices into a single technological platform to carry out monitoring, analysis, and forecasting tasks.
Find out how we support public authorities and private companies in their digital transition
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